Starlight Fiber Optic Twinkle Headliner / Meteor Shooting Star Kits - Reeces Auto Headlining Repairs

Starlight Fiber Optic Twinkle Headliner / Meteor Shooting Star Kits




Buying Steps and Tips: Here’s how we shop for star light kits!


We buy on eBay by searching for these keywords:

‘Starlight Headliner Twinkle Kit’ and/or ‘Meteor Shooting Star Kit’


The reason we put in twinkle, as we are looking for the kits that have the motor inside the fibre engine to make the little fibre optics twinkle once installed.

Also another keyword could be Meteor Shooting Star Kit, as this would bring up results for the shooting star kits.

We also look for the 12v cigarette lighter plug kits, but if they are not included, we just make up our own wiring.

Also consider the length of the fiber optic kit you’d need, they usually come out in approx. 2m, 3m & 4m lengths. So work out an ideal place to mount the engine, then how much length is needed to get from that position to the furthest point of where the fiber optic needs to go. I like the 3m -4m kits for sedans and wagons depending on where the kit mounts.

Also consider how many strands of fibre optic you require, too little wont give off that full starry night effect. What we suggest is 800-900 stars for wagons, 370-450 stars for sedans or ute’s. Most kits may only have 200pcs to it, so then you’d need to buy and use 2-3 star light engines and combine them. We personally aim to buy the kits that have 400pcs to one engine.

Starlight engines may be a single or dual Fiber optic set up, theres no preference, as we have used both, some kits may have one section that the Fiber optic harness feeds into that may give off the full 450pcs in that one spot, wheres others may have two entries that both have 200pcs each, depends on your preference.

Shop with our eBay link that will take you to search results where we like to start our shopping.


This product is currently an affiliate link, and not sold directly via us, we cant accurately predict the sellers current prices, but by clicking the buy now button, it will just take you to all the current sellers of this product on eBay, where you can then decide who you wish to buy from.


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